Below is the list of the travel documents necessary to travel to the countries in which we operate. We undertake to constantly update the information indicated. However, the regulations in force in these destinations may change without notice. For any doubt or further informations in addition to what is listed below (i.e. multi-entry visas, extension visa, other special cases, etc.) please contact us by email
To travel to any of the following countries it is always essential to have a passport with :
– at least 6 months of validity from the date of exit from the country (estimated date of the end of the trip)
– with some blank pages available for customs stamps and / or the Tourist Visa.
South East Asia Countries
1. Tourist Visa (with a maximum duration of 30 days) which can be obtained :
– upon arrival (land borders or Siem Reap/Phnom Penh airports) at a cost of 30 USD and 1 passport photo.
– online e-Visa on the official website (35 USD – 3-4 working days).
For further information visit the page Useful informations in Cambodia.
1. Tourist Visa (with a maximum duration of 30 days) which can be obtained :
– online e-Visa on the official website
For further information visit the page Useful informations in Vietnam.
1. Tourist Visa, lasting 30 days, which can be obtained upon arrival at customs (land or at the main airports of Luang Prabang, Vientiane and Pakse) (price based on your home Country) and 1 passport photo.
For further information visit the page Useful informations in Laos.
2. Visa requirement variable depending on the country of origin. Please contact us by chat or email (
For further information visit the page Useful informations in Thailand.
1. Online e-Visa, lasting 30 days, on the official website
2. Visa requirement might vary depending on the country of origin. Please contact us by chat or email (
For further information visit the page Useful informations in Myanmar.
Central Asia Countries
1. Visa requirement might vary depending on the country of origin. For further information contact us by email (
1. Visa requirement might vary depending on the country of origin. For further information contact us by email (
1. Visa requirement might vary depending on the country of origin. For further information contact us by email (
1. Visa requirement might vary depending on the country of origin. For further information contact us by email (
– Online, o e-Visa, on the official website
*** Update COVID-19 requirements – May 1st, 2021 ***
The following restrictions replace the regular conditions required to travel to Tajikistan :
– To be updated
1. To obtain the Tourist Visa it is necessary to request the invitation letter from a travel agency based in Tajikistan. For further information contact us by email at
*** Update COVID-19 requirements – January 1st, 2025 ***
The following restrictions replace the regular conditions required to travel to Turkmenistan :
– PCR test on arrival